Thursday, September 28, 2006

Why Bulgy Eyes?

I present to you, Exhibit A:

This is a picture of none other than ME, flaunting the fact that I got to play the yet-unreleased Nintendo Wii last night. That's all fine and dandy, and I had a great time experiencing "the gaming revolution," but why oh why must I have such bulgy bug-looking eyes when I smile?

All I know is that ever since I was young, I always tried too hard to keep my eyes open when the flash fired. Well, old habits die hard, I guess, because I've been trying to train myself ever since not to open my eyes as wide as I can when I smile.

That right there is a freak of nature. That's all I know.

So Bad It's Good

Who doesn't jump out of bed in the morning and dash to the TV in order to turn it on to TBS in order to watch none other than Saved by the Bell?

OK, I guess probably very few people. But, my wife and I watch it every morning while getting ready. It is really a perplexing show in that it's so corny and so bad, but at the same time, who can stop watching? Very little of it is funny. I think if I laughed along with the canned laughter, I would have to drown myself in the toilet just to wash myself clean of poor taste in humor.

But, my point in this post was to make note of an article on IGN TV about how bad Saved by the Bell is, and yet it's so good almost because of that badness. If you've seen the VH1 series, I Love the [Decade], you're well-versed in bad-but-good things.

IGN's article can be found here.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hilarious Wife

I love my wife. I really do. Putting aside all the wonderful things she is to me and the joys I get from being married to her, we have great times together. Last night was one such time, and she had me rolling on the floor laughing from a comment she made. I was talking about a new USB port that I was adding to the computer. She knows what I meant, but what did she say to me, but this:

What’s USB? I know that we’re USA. Does that mean USB is Mexico?

I'm sorry if I'm biased, but that is so funny on so many levels that I had to share it online. We're US A; is Mexico US B. Because Mexico is... they're B... they... well, you get it. Too funny.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I started this blog not too long ago mostly because I was excited to see that Blogger had made many significant changes and I am always one to jump on new beta versions. What can I say? I love technology.

Since then, I have been made to rethink my purpose and intentions here, as God has reminded me who I am in Him. Thanks to Boundless and a recent series about blogging, I have decided to proceed forward in a new vein. Most likely, I will still include thoughts and ideas that I have, but hopefully with a new vision in mind - one that is specific to honoring God.

I'm still just a normal guy with his little spot on the internet. But I want it to be obvious that I'm a Christian just as much as I am a guy. I believe in God just as much as I use a computer to blog.

Two Boundless articles really caught my attention:

Blogging: The History and the Spirit talks about the traditional use of blogs - many times it is a place for people to spout off their frustrations or just do something extreme so as to be noticed by the internet community. However, the blogosphere can be used for telling others about Christ just as any other method of communication can be.

Christ seeks us out in interesting ways. Sometimes He uses a friend, sometimes a stranger, sometimes a song on the radio or a book found in a yard sale. We know He uses word of mouth — after all, that's how He got started. He may even use blogs.

The second article, Blog Responsibly, focused on what we say online. I don't want to simply resort to first reactions or extreme frustrations and sarcastic comments dispelling things I find. Sure, I'm still going to have fun here and I'm sure that will include sarcasm, but I will be careful not to insult others in doing so. I hope to be held accountable to that by God, myself, and anyone out there reading.

I know this will be a great thing for me and my blog, as I am aiming to please God. What better goal could there be? If it only helps me, I will praise God for that. If others join in, may God receive all the blessing exponentially.
